industry interaction

Euroforest firmly support wider industry initiatives around health, safety and environmental issues.

Simon Wallis, Euroforest's compliance manager, is a FISA board member having being elected as a director in 2021

Industry Interaction

Euroforest firmly support wider industry initiatives around health, safety and environmental issues, our commitment to the Forest Industry Safety Accord at all levels from steering and strategy group through to multiple working groups is testament to our resolve in promoting a safer industry. Simon Wallis, Euroforests’ Compliance Manager, is a FISA board member having being elected as a director in 2021.  David Symons, Managing Director of Euroforest is currently on the advisory board for Confor.

In addition to our work with FISA we also work with Confor and the Forest Industry Environment Group assisting in the development of good practice guidance. The compliance team regularly deliver industry workshops and safety awareness days highlighting current areas of concern, most recently much of this focus has been around providing contractors and landowners with advice on the risks and responsibilities relating to Ash Dieback Disease.

Euroforest are members and hold positions at both FISA and Confor

FISA and Confor Euroforest
Euroforest Group Exhibition 2018

The Euroforest Group the APF Exhibition in 2018.

David Symons, Managing Director of Euroforest Ltd welcoming guests to the Euroforest Industry dinner at the APF in 2018. 

Euroforest entertaining our contractors, hauliers, timber suppliers and landowners at the APF with plenty of tea, biscuits and more importantly beer!